Student Equity and Success Council

Student Equity and Success Council

The Student Equity and Success Council (SESC) will provide institutional direction on student success and equity issues on campus. The council will strive to be a representative voice for the campus community and will put the interests and well-being of students first.

The Student Equity and Success Council (SESC) will provide institutional direction on student success and equity issues on campus. The council will strive to be a representative voice for the campus community and will put the interests and well-being of students first.

Some of the SESC projects are listed here: SESC Task List

The Student Equity and Success (SES) Council will provide institutional direction on equity issues on campus. The council will also coordinate and promote existing equity and/or student success programs and efforts here on campus.

SES Coordinator Schedule

  • SES Council Meetings – (see agendas for physical room location and Zoom link)
    • Action Meetings – 3:30-5:00 pm second Tuesday of each month of the Fall/Spring semesters
    • Discussion/Work Meetings – 3:30-5:00 pm fourth Tuesday of each month of the Fall/Spring semesters
  • Academic Senate Meetings – two Mondays each month, 3:00-5:00 pm (see Academic Senate schedule)
  • SES Coordinator open office hours – Thurs 8:00-9:15 in office 2707 or virtual (Zoom Link)


Voting Members:

Commodore St. Germain (SES Coordinator) and Shirley Lewis


(Administration) Co-chairs

Co-chairs: Commodore St. Germain (SES Coordinator) and Heather Watson-Perez (Administration) – tie break votes only

Voting members:

Special Programs
Special Programs
Amanda Morrison - Social & Behavioral Sciences
Maria Isip-Bautista - AANHPI
Shanan Danley - A2MEND
Mikaela Mack - Student Ambassador
Ashlie Lawson - Faculty
Atticus Frey - Library
Angelika Duculan - Student Ambassador

*To be added as a voting member of the SESC, you must be available to meet in person the second Tuesday of each month during the Fall/Spring semesters on the Fairfield campus. If interested, please email

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